Men Married to Educated Women Live Longer

According to a recent study undertaken by researchers in Norway, married men can live up to thirty-five percent longer if wed to a well-educated woman. Since women are often more health-conscious than men and because women often prepare food and otherwise care for their spouses, the study suggests, men married to more educated women (who are, in turn, more likely to research nutrition and fitness than their less educated counterparts) live healthier lives. The level of a man's education, on the other hand, seems to have no effect on his partner's longevity. While Norwegian media outlets such as Verdens Gang seem to focus on the effects of a woman's education on her spouse in heterosexual unions, the findings are only a small part of a much larger study published in Social Science & Medicine's most recent issue. The full study, entitled "Brittle bones, pain and fractures -- Lay constructions of osteoporosis among Norwegian women attending the Nord-Trondelag Health Study (HUNT)" may be purchased for $31.50.
